Koenig and Bauer has put its weight behind the concept of extended colour gamut or ECG printing, which promises faster job changeovers as the same inks are used for every job so there’s no need for wash-ups. To this end Koenig and Bauer has installed Esko’s Equinox colour management technology and Imaging Engine RIP at its demo centre in Radebeul, Germany.
The use of extended colour gamuts, sometimes known as fixed palette printing, is starting to gain favour amongst packaging printers as an alternative to using spot colours. It allows them to cut costs and to offer a more consistent approach between jobs. Converters can generally expect to reach about 90 percent of the Pantone spot colour range.
The key to this approach is to have absolute control over all the processes. Consequently, Koenig and Bauer is actually using the extended colour gamut printing to demonstrate its advanced measuring and control systems.
The two companies will hold joint events, starting with this week’s Print & Postpress Innovation Days.
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