Tucanna software has upgraded its tFlow Approval to v2. This is an online job-submission and collaboration system. It now comes with a new hosted SaaS version making it easier for customers to get started with, without any IT overhead.
There’s also a new interface that shows real-time information, for example, which jobs have been approved or held with preflight errors. It also provides information on operator workload, capacity and capacity problems, activity log with links to all comments, jobs and orders, approvals and artwork requests.
There’s better filtering controls to deal with high volumes of jobs, which can now be filtered by company, user, job state and date range. There’s a new free text search to find specific projects and it’s easier to supply artwork thanks to a new drag-and-drop interface.
It can be installed in the local network or in the Cloud, and is accessible via a standard web browser, making it reasonably simple for everyone in the chain to see what’s happening. It also works with tFlow Production to create a full production automation and online collaboration suite. It also connects with Adobe CS programs and can take account of embedded XMP data.
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