Aleyant, which has developed an interesting range of prepress software, has expanded its Pressero Web-to-Print software with the ability to seamlessly integrate with EFI’s PrintSmith Vision and Pace MIS.
This integration was originally developed by Aleyant’s Pressero Integrated Services team for one of its customers, the large US-based franchising organisation Alliance Franchise Brands, which includes a number of popular US franchises: Allegra Marketing Print Mail, Image360, Signs Now, Signs By Tomorrow, RSVP, KKP, Insty-Prints and American Speedy Printing. However, Aleyant is now offering this integration to anyone using Pressero.
Trent Foreman, Aleyant’s Director of Product Management, explains: “As long as users have the Pace or PrintSmith Vision API available, they simply need to turn on the integration within Pressero, set up appropriate login conditions, and map fields so information can pass back and forth. He adds: “It’s easy to do, and it can start pushing information within a few hours, with full deployment in a couple of days.”
This means that when Pressero picks up an order, or change to an order, then the job, with all its associated elements including production files, contacts and shipment entries are automatically generated into the EFI MIS system. This makes for a faster system and eliminates the risk of errors being generated by manually re-entering that information.
The idea behind Pressero Integrated Services is that many print service providers now prefer to build their own custom workflows, often using cloud-based modules from a variety of suppliers, to create a flexible workflow that meets their needs.
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